The South Dakota Canoe and Kayak Association is dedicated to promoting the sport of paddling through; recreation, safety, education and conservation. Your membership and donations support education and recreational efforts in South Dakota.
Plan to attend the SDCKA Annual Membership Meeting
January 25th at the Outdoor Campus in Sioux Falls
4500 S. Oxbow Avenue
Informative sessions Noon-4 pm
Doors open 11 am
Learn more about opportunities on the Missouri National Recreational River, First rate whitewater tripping,
Find out about on-line access to regional river levels and more!
This is a great time to learn more about the South Dakota Canoe & Kayak Association, join or renew your membership.
January 25th at the Outdoor Campus in Sioux Falls
4500 S. Oxbow Avenue
Informative sessions Noon-4 pm
Doors open 11 am
Learn more about opportunities on the Missouri National Recreational River, First rate whitewater tripping,
Find out about on-line access to regional river levels and more!
This is a great time to learn more about the South Dakota Canoe & Kayak Association, join or renew your membership.
Watch for the 2025 schedule in early spring, until then here's what we did in 2024!
10 - Pool Session (Pierre YMCA) - Pat Wellner
8-10 - Canoecopia, Madison, WI.
TBA - Big Sioux River Cleanup - Friends of the Big Sioux - Canton and Watertown
22 - Three Forks, MT to St. Louis, MO. Join Tom & Jacob Boyko, South Dakotans who paddled North America's longest river in 2023!
Google Meet Presentation 7:30 PM
4 - Missouri River Cleanup - Riverside Park, Yankton - MNRR/NPS/FOMNRR
4 - Midwest Paddle Racing Mean Lamine -
7 - Big Sioux Water Festival SDSU, Brookings, SD
TBA - Niobrara River Trip, Smith Falls State Park (overnight)
1 - Midwest Paddle Racing Shootout -
1 - Niobrara River Festival Race -
7-9 - Two Paddles Canoe & Kayak Races (Mississippi River) -
15 - Nemo 50 Race Rulo, NE to St. Joseph, MO - Stacey Rasco, (stacey40(at)
21 - Full Moon Paddle - Pierre - Contact Patrick Wellner (pat.wellner(at)
23 - Paddling Fair Family Park, Sioux Falls - Noon - 4pm - Volunteers needed. Contact - David Mays - [email protected]
27 - Cancelled due to flooding: Adaptive Paddling- Family park, Sioux Falls - 10am-Noon
TBA - Postponed: Basic Kayak Training
29 - Midwest Paddle Racing Freedom Race -
10 - Lake Sharpe / Missouri River Cleanup, Pierre, SD. Izaak Walton League
11 - Adaptive Paddling- Covell Lake, Sioux Falls - 10am-Noon (Note the location change)
18 - Adaptive Paddling- Covell Lake , Sioux Falls - 10am-Noon
20 - ‘Jake Jaunt’ Jake Riter Memorial paddling race, Yankton to Vermillion
23-26 - MR340 ( & Missouri River Relief)
27 - Crofton’s Dam Race -
27 - Paddle Around Kampeska - Watertown, SD. Details Here
1 - Adaptive Paddling - Terrace Park, Covell Lake - 10am-Noon
15 - Adaptive Paddling - Terrace Park, Covell Lake - 10am-Noon
16 - Midwest Paddle Racing The Gritty -
TBA - Oahe Swim, Pierre, SD. YMCA (Safety boats)
TBA - Tour De'Oakwood Lakes - Jen Clelland
17 - Presidents Cruise, - Clay County Park, Contact Patrick Wellner (pat.wellner(at)
22 - Adaptive Paddling Season Picnic - Terrace Park, Covell Lake - 5PM -7:30 PM
TBA - Middle Loup River Challenge (Thedford, NE)
14 - Midwest Paddle Racing The Gritty Growler -
20 - Full Moon Paddle - Pierre - Contact Patrick Wellner (pat.wellner(at)
TBA - Red River Paddle Challenge - Winnipeg, MB
19 - Full Moon Paddle - Pierre - Contact Patrick Wellner (pat.wellner(at)
20 - Midwest Paddle Racing Kawloween -
Join us on FACEBOOK: Dates are subject to change due to weather or interest. Facebook is the best way to connect with your fellow members to ask questions or confirm plans and share information.
10 - Pool Session (Pierre YMCA) - Pat Wellner
8-10 - Canoecopia, Madison, WI.
TBA - Big Sioux River Cleanup - Friends of the Big Sioux - Canton and Watertown
22 - Three Forks, MT to St. Louis, MO. Join Tom & Jacob Boyko, South Dakotans who paddled North America's longest river in 2023!
Google Meet Presentation 7:30 PM
4 - Missouri River Cleanup - Riverside Park, Yankton - MNRR/NPS/FOMNRR
4 - Midwest Paddle Racing Mean Lamine -
7 - Big Sioux Water Festival SDSU, Brookings, SD
TBA - Niobrara River Trip, Smith Falls State Park (overnight)
1 - Midwest Paddle Racing Shootout -
1 - Niobrara River Festival Race -
7-9 - Two Paddles Canoe & Kayak Races (Mississippi River) -
15 - Nemo 50 Race Rulo, NE to St. Joseph, MO - Stacey Rasco, (stacey40(at)
21 - Full Moon Paddle - Pierre - Contact Patrick Wellner (pat.wellner(at)
23 - Paddling Fair Family Park, Sioux Falls - Noon - 4pm - Volunteers needed. Contact - David Mays - [email protected]
27 - Cancelled due to flooding: Adaptive Paddling- Family park, Sioux Falls - 10am-Noon
TBA - Postponed: Basic Kayak Training
29 - Midwest Paddle Racing Freedom Race -
10 - Lake Sharpe / Missouri River Cleanup, Pierre, SD. Izaak Walton League
11 - Adaptive Paddling- Covell Lake, Sioux Falls - 10am-Noon (Note the location change)
18 - Adaptive Paddling- Covell Lake , Sioux Falls - 10am-Noon
20 - ‘Jake Jaunt’ Jake Riter Memorial paddling race, Yankton to Vermillion
23-26 - MR340 ( & Missouri River Relief)
27 - Crofton’s Dam Race -
27 - Paddle Around Kampeska - Watertown, SD. Details Here
1 - Adaptive Paddling - Terrace Park, Covell Lake - 10am-Noon
15 - Adaptive Paddling - Terrace Park, Covell Lake - 10am-Noon
16 - Midwest Paddle Racing The Gritty -
TBA - Oahe Swim, Pierre, SD. YMCA (Safety boats)
TBA - Tour De'Oakwood Lakes - Jen Clelland
17 - Presidents Cruise, - Clay County Park, Contact Patrick Wellner (pat.wellner(at)
22 - Adaptive Paddling Season Picnic - Terrace Park, Covell Lake - 5PM -7:30 PM
TBA - Middle Loup River Challenge (Thedford, NE)
14 - Midwest Paddle Racing The Gritty Growler -
20 - Full Moon Paddle - Pierre - Contact Patrick Wellner (pat.wellner(at)
TBA - Red River Paddle Challenge - Winnipeg, MB
19 - Full Moon Paddle - Pierre - Contact Patrick Wellner (pat.wellner(at)
20 - Midwest Paddle Racing Kawloween -
Join us on FACEBOOK: Dates are subject to change due to weather or interest. Facebook is the best way to connect with your fellow members to ask questions or confirm plans and share information.

SDCKA 'WEAR IT' Campaign
- Lifejackets save lives
- Join the effort and lead by example, ALWAYS wear your lifejacket!
Thanks to a grant from the National Safe Boating Council, SDCKA printed and installed 50 signs placed at area boat ramps along most of the MNRR (Missouri National Recreational River), Big Sioux River and some area lakes. Generally the signs are located in or near; Brandon, Mitchell, Pierre, Sioux Falls, Vermillion, Watertown and Yankton.
If you know of a location that would benefit from a sign, email [email protected]

SDCKA is a Paddle America Club member with American Canoe Association
ACA is a national non-profit serving the broader paddling public. You'll find education, training and events throughout the U.S.A. Great resources about everything paddling!
Please support the sponsors who support us!

Nybergs ACE - Sioux Falls and Watertown
Great assortment of outdoor gear, hardware, pet supplies - ACE is the place to rent kayaks too!

Buffalo Roamer Outdoors
For those who seek adventure, you'll like host Will Collins and his podcast, but it's more than that, Check it out!

Everything for the Home, Farm & Outdoor Store
Everything for the Home, Farm & Outdoor Store

Paddling Magazine
Covers the people, places, adventures, boats and gear, trends, events and culture of kayaking, canoeing, paddleboarding
and whitewater.
Covers the people, places, adventures, boats and gear, trends, events and culture of kayaking, canoeing, paddleboarding
and whitewater.